IHSS: Training and Abuse Reporting Requirements
What training is required of IHSS providers? What training is offered? What are the reporting requirements regarding abuse and neglect?
What training is required of IHSS providers? What training is offered? What are the reporting requirements regarding abuse and neglect?
Care provided in home for elderly and dependent people is often through a governmental program called IHSS or similar. For a description of the care provided and what tasks are permitted by these caregivers check…
Carotid Restraint, Manual Strangulation, Ligature Strangulation and Hanging all have different mechanisms and different symptoms and time to unconsciousness. Read about each type here.
There are still a few tickets left at the discounted rate. I have also added a bonus: If you purchase at the discounted rate you can also download the webinar after April 11th and view…
This is the final post for CLABSI and we finish up this month’s topic by covering the appropriate treatment for these severe infections – sign up for our newsletter so you can see the whole…
There may be absolutely no outward physical sign of the strangulation. Approximately 50% of documented cases exhibit no visible injury. An additional 35% have injuries that are too minor to photograph. (Training Institute on Strangulation…
Patients should be knowledgeable about their own care and proactive in both their education and treatment. Read about what they can do here.
What is the difference between strangulation, choking and suffocation? Find out on our blog post here.
Strict attention to infection control practices is standard of care to any preventive strategy to central line infections. This responsibility for prevention falls on healthcare providers as well as patients who have central lines in…
Abusers do not always understand the medical severity of the act of strangulation Lethality is based on duration, quantity and surface area of applied force
The “CDC surveillance definition” of a blood stream infection that is lab-confirmed requires a positive blood culture in a person in which the organism cannot be related to an infection at another site.
Medical treatment of alcohol withdrawal symptoms involves replacing fluids, vitamin supplements,benzodiazepine medication, and nutritional support.
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