Blast injury-the signature wound of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It is always wise to ask a veteran client who has served in the Middle East if he or she was ever exposed to a blast. Blast exposure can cause instant death, immediate neurological symptoms or injuries with delayed symptoms. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can also occur from fragments, bullets, motor vehicle crashes and falls. TBI is characterized as mild, moderate or severe. Mild TBI as experienced by the veteran in the case scenario is also known as a concussion. See our newsletter on concussion here. There are research studies that show that veterans will usually have residual symptoms 18-24 months after the injury (Summerall, n.d.). Chronic post concussive symptoms that may affect the veteran’s behavior are;
- irritability
- depression
- anxiety
- poor judgment and impulsivity
- anger
- personality changes
The symptoms of mild TBI do respond to time, rest and treatment. A legal nurse consultant can provide research that demonstrates that veterans who experienced TBI have problems with emotional regulation and decision making.
For our criminal newsletter and blog this month we are reviewing veterans re-entry into civilian life and the medical issues that influence their thinking and behavior. The blog topics for this month are:
- Hypothetical Scenario (3/6/15)
- Psychiatric Issues (3/13/15)
- Blast Injury (3/20/15)
- Veteran’s Court (3/27/15)
Note: To see all posts in this topic, click here