Child Abuse – Abusive Head Trauma
Abusive Head Trauma is one of our areas of expertise. We generally have at least one of these cases going through our office on any given day. Non-accidental trauma cases involving retinal hemorrhages, intracranial bleeding, and cerebral edema are complex and involve several specialty areas of medicine. Our experts will review the medical records and help determine what kinds of experts may be needed. We will assess for mimics, determine the timeline of injury, and provide opinions about causation.
Child Abuse – General
Bruises and breaks are the common thread in these cases. Our nurses will review the case for medical causes such as rickets (vitamin D deficiency that weakens bones), Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Brittle bone disease), and coagulopathies (blood disorders). We will also assess the injuries to analyze the timeline. If medical abuse or Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy is suspected, we can help assess the child’s medical conditions to analyze what is true or fictitious. You will be ready for trial with the right types of child abuse experts and a strong knowledge of the medical components of your case. For more information about what services we can offer on these cases, click here.
Child Neglect and Failure to Thrive
In neglect cases it is particularly important to have an expert that has experience reviewing the records to look for underlying conditions that may have contributed to the failure to thrive. If the child has medical conditions it can make it difficult to determine the reason for the lack of weight gain and growth. There are also congenital conditions that may not have been ruled out effectively. Knowing the cause of the patient’s failure to thrive or wasting is essential for effective case development. We can help you sort through the records and find the right child abuse expert witnesses for defense or prosecution testimony. For more information about what services we can offer on these cases, click here.