(MyLawCLE.com) FREE Head Trauma, Comprehension and Intoxication
Head Trauma, Comprehension, and Intoxication: What to look for in every criminal case
Federal Bar Association-
Head Trauma, Comprehension, and Intoxication: What to look for in every criminal case
Coupon Code: GodoyMedicalForensicsCLE
This presentation will cover the different types of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) that result from trauma to the brain to build a foundation of how trauma affects the brain, and then will dive into the application in criminal cases. Discussion will include aggressive behavior, alcohol intoxication and consent capacity after TBI. Criminal attorneys and investigators for both the prosecution and defense will benefit from understanding the affect that head trauma has on defendants and/or victims in criminal cases.
Head Trauma/TBI
- Definition
- Indications
- Primary and Secondary Injury
- Sign & Symptoms
- Classifications
Types of Bleeds
- Epidural Hematoma
- Subdural Hematoma
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
- Intracerebral Hematoma
- Description
- Signs & Symptoms
- Post-Concussive Syndrome
- Second Impact Syndrome
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
- Description
- Signs & Symptoms
TBI in your case
- Aggression
- Alcohol Intoxication
- Consent Capacity
Upon completion of this course, the attendee will:
- Be familiar with Traumatic Brain Injury
- Be familiar with the types of intracranial hemorrhages associated with TBI
- Be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of head trauma and compare them to alcohol intoxication.
- Be familiar with the different ways of classifying brain injury severity.
“Your webinars are great! Thanks for offering them. The graphics and pictures you use when explaining topic specifics are very helpful for those of us unfamiliar with anatomy.Correcting myths as well. And breaking things down simply so that we have the basics/foundation we need to understand.”
– Susan
“I really enjoyed these webinars. They were very informative and engaging. I must say, I don’t know why we aren’t all walking around with helmets on. TBIs are scary stuff :)”
– Samantha
Tara GodoyBSN RN CFN
Tara Godoy is a Certified Forensic Nurse and has been working with Criminal and Civil Attorneys for over 10 years. She has a BS in Nursing from the University of Southern California and currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through consulting and testimony she has assisted both the prosecution and the defense in obtaining an honest and fair resolution in hundreds of criminal cases. Along with her nursing staff and physician contractors, Godoy Medical Forensics has consulted on over 1500 cases nationwide and has worked at both the federal and state levels. Tara has been asked to present for national organizations such as the NACDL and the NDIA at their Forensics conferences in Las Vegas. Tara’s main areas of expertise are Strangulation and Blunt Force Trauma, but testimony is also offered on other cases where traumatic injuries occur or medical record analysis is needed.